Thursday, July 2, 2020

DIALOG: The Little Devil



Title: The Little Devil
Artist: Joshua Campbell
Course: FMX238 - 2D Animation I
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Software: Toon Boom - Hamony
Hardware: MacBook Pro, Wacom Tablet

Description: A single line of dialog is often all you need to understand a character. The Little Devil is an original character of mine, with aspirations to become the best version of himself. He quickly reveals his flaws by expressing his good intentions, which oppose his true nature as a devil. However, his good intentions are of little consequence because he is hard wired to bring mayhem and disaster!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Flour Sack

Flour Sack

Title:Flour Sack
Artist: Joshua J. Campbell
Course: FMX 238 2D Animation I
Term: Summer Session I 2020
Professor: Dana Corrigan

Description: Imagination and a Child Like Spirit are all that is necessary to transform mundane tasks into something extraordinary. Have you ever wondered what's going on in your pantry while you're away? Perhaps the flour sack goes off on an adventure of its own... Perhaps the flour sack has an imagination of its own...

Pendulum Project

Pendulum Project

Title:Wrecking Ball
Artist: Joshua J. Campbell
Course: FMX 238 2D Animation I
Term: Summer Session I 2020
Professor: Dana Corrigan

Description: "Wrecking Ball" is my artistic representation of the lethal potential inherent in autonomous machines, and the fear of mankind's inability to maintain an acceptable level of safety and control over them.

We fear the unknown. Technological Advancements are progressing at unprecedented speeds, bringing the stuff of science fiction into a near reality. Technology itself isn't a threat, but the motives and usages of mankind are! Autonomy of robots has been a topic of concern for the United Nations (U.N.) over the past decade, but becoming a closer threat in the past 5 years. While organizations such as the U.N. and the Department of Defense (DOD) are figuring out the rules and limitations for Autonomous Machines in combat, civilian regulatory organizations haven't given an impression of concern for misuse.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Bouncing Ball Project 2, Pinball Machine


My first attempts with a bouncing ball were fun, but didn't resonate with me from a creative standpoint. The requirements were simple... Animate a Ball, and make it bounce off at least one surface. Pinball machines immediately came to mind. 

Title: Animated Pinball
Artist: Joshua J. Campbell
Course: FMX 238, 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan

Friday, May 29, 2020

Bouncing Ball

Bouncing Ball

The  beloved "Bouncing Ball" is the first thing animators learn how to animate. Here is my very first bouncing ball:

Some adjustments were made to make the ball squishy... The squishy one is so much more fun!

1st Animation Exercise

1st Animation Exercise

Its all about timing! Using a line with time markers, I was able to animate a sphere moving at different speeds. Here are my first animation examples: